Featured Articles

Former UCLA Doc Receives $14M In Gender Discrimination Retrial

A California jury has awarded $14 million to a former University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) oncologist who claimed she was paid thousands less than her male colleagues and constructively terminated after her complaints of gender-based harassment and intimidation were ignored by program leadership.

Fraudulent Practices Abound In Post-Accident Healthcare

Car accidents are an unfortunate reality of modern life, often leading to personal injury cases involving a range of medical professionals, from chiropractors to physical therapists, pain doctors, and personal injury lawyers.

Oregon PA's Get Name Change

This month, Oregon's Governor Tina Kotek signed a bill into law that officially changed the title of "physician assistants" to "physician associates" in the state.

DEA’s Latest Targets: Doctors Treating Addiction Instead Of Pain

I have been writing for a while about how the DEA will run out of targets for opioid prosecutions because most doctors are too terrified to treat pain, and now it looks like it has happened.

Primary Care Doctor Pay Eclipses $300,000 In Tight Labor Market

Primary care physician compensation surpassed $300,000 last year as doctor practices and the healthcare industry grapple with staffing issues in a tight labor market.

Lawmakers Consider Lifting Restrictions On Physician-Owned Hospitals

Lawmakers are considering removing a provision of the Affordable Care Act that limits expansion and opening of physician-owned hospitals, reported May 13. About 4% of hospitals are owned by physicians, or 250 to 265 nationally.

Big Pharma Ignores Low-Cost Migraine Solution

If you are a fan of pharma, you might want to skip this article. Some pharma enthusiasts will call it a rant. By pharma, I mean avaricious pharmaceutical (a pleonasm) companies collectively.

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    • Editor-in Chief:
    • Theodore Massey
    • Editor:
    • Robert Sokonow
    • Editorial Staff:
    • Musaba Dekau
      Lin Takahashi
      Thomas Levine
      Cynthia Casteneda Avina
      Ronald Harvinger
      Lisa Andonis