Does A Blood Transfusion Pass On The Donor's Personality, Too?
Organ transplants and blood transfusions are undoubtedly lifesavers: last year around 42,800 people in the US received organ transplants, and nearly 30 million components of blood given in transfusions.
20 Top Part-Time Jobs for Retired Physicians
Whether retirement is looming on the horizon or you're tapering down your work hours, you're probably wondering what to do next. For many retirees, the primary aim is to engage in a meaningful activity while bringing in some extra income.
Physicians Should Stop Googling Patients
Recent surveys found many physicians are Googling patients, which may lead to ethical issues, Pavan Amara, a student nurse, journalist and women's rights activist based in London, wrote in an op-ed piece published Oct. 18.
3 Loopholes Incentivize Hospitals To Not Report Physician Safety Concerns
The National Practitioner Data Bank has three loopholes that make it possible for physicians to practice in multiple states even after being accused of patient safety issues and incentivize hospitals to not report concerns.
Challenges Faced By Patients With Mast Cell Disorders
As an allergist/immunologist, the spectrum of mast cell disorders, including mastocytosis, idiopathic anaphylaxis, chronic hives, and angioedema, is not a new concept.
Study: Heightened Fear Of Rejection Linked To Severe Alcohol Use Disorder
A recent study has shed light on a critical psychological aspect of individuals dealing with severe alcohol use disorder (SAUD) that has been previously overlooked – their heightened fear of rejection.
Snoring Could Be Harming Your Brain Health
Those who snore can be aging their brains by years and hurting their brain health by depriving themselves of getting deep sleep, according to researchers with the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Paris-Cité, Paris, France.