Featured Articles

Nobody Wants This Job. Should Physicians Stick Around?

As I enter the patient exam room, the first question is no longer “When can I get my COVID-19 vaccine?” but rather, “Are you leaving? My old doctor left. You are my fifth doctor in three years. What is happening?”

Physician Suicide: Investigating Its Prevalence & Cause

Physicians are admired for their sacrifice and dedication. Yet beneath the surface lies a painful, quiet reality: Physicians may take their lives more than any other professional, reported at 40 per 100,000.

The Invisible Graveyard Of Every Physician’s Career: Why Every Doctor Needs A “Badness” Plan

As physicians, we all know what “badness” is in medicine. “Badness” is a word many physicians use to convey a painful, complicated, tragic, or adverse clinical experience. Badness is usually some bad, particularly emotional “bad.”

Americans Desperate For The Hot Weight-Loss Drug Ozempic Are Turning To Canada And Mexico Because They Can't Afford It At Home

Demand for prescription drugs that help with weight loss, such as Ozempic and Wegovy, is surging. But the drugs' high cost and a lack of insurance coverage means they're are out of reach for many.

What We All Really Want To Tell Our ER Patients

Sometimes what happens in the emergency department (ED) is better left there. An incident goes down, but it's hard to say what exactly happened and even harder to say why.

The Titanic Sinking: A Metaphor For The Impending Collapse Of Medicine

The re-release of the movie Titanic marks its 25th anniversary since it first sailed into theaters. Can you believe it? Twenty-five years ago, we watched Rose get undressed for a self-portrait with only a necklace on, Jack yelling, “I’m the king of the world” from the boat’s bow, and the two of them doin’ the dirty in the backseat of an automobile.

Survey: Physicians And Their Bosses Don't See Eye To Eye On Retirement

A new survey finds physicians have different expectations and reasons for retirement than their administrators assume. The survey is meaningful given the wave of physician retirements expected, and the need for administrators to have realistic expectations for this sea change in the US physician workforce to plan for continuity at their respective practices and hospitals.