Top 5 Obstacles Physicians Face in 2013
Journal of Medicine - In 2012, Physicians faced many changes in their profession including the growing trend of employment, increased use of electronic medical records more responsibility with less autonomy as they take the lead in care teams as the healthcare community strives to become more coordinated. These changes, and their effects, will carry over into the new year. The Physicians Foundation identified five issues that will likely have the largest impact on physicians in 2013, based on research studies and policy papers. "We hope [the research] will help…healthcare providers formulate smart policy decisions that are beneficial to America's patients and doctors," said Walker Ray, MD, vice president of The Physicians Foundation and chair of the research committee.
Physician Medicare Rates To Drop More Than 28% in 2013
Journal of Medicine - Physicians are anxiously waiting to see if they will see their Medicare reimbursement rates cut by more than 28 percent in 2013. Physicians face a 28.5 percent cut in what’s called the sustainable growth rate – used to reimburse providers for services delivered to Medicare recipients – if Congress doesn’t adjust the formula by Tuesday.
Physicians in China Treat Addictions Using Stereotactic Ablation
Journal of Medicine - Drug addiction in China is highly stigmatized. And now, some doctors are trying to cure it with a radical procedure known as stereotactic ablation. More simply, it's the practice of destroying parts of the brain's "pleasure centers" (the nucleus accumbens) in heroin addicts and alcoholics as a way to stop drug cravings.
AMA Position on Medical Patents Detrimental to Both Physicians & Patients
Journal of Medicine - The American Medical Association (AMA) generally takes the position that patenting medical procedures is unethical, but this is completely at odds with nearly every other aspect of medicine which treats patents as the great driver of medical advancement.
Power to the Physicians, Not the Hospitals
Journal of Medicine - The physician is the only one truly positioned (through clinical knowledge, experience, and relationship with the patient) to improve the health of patients and any legislation that is enacted must recognize this truth.