Food Allergy Tragedies: The Reality That Haunts Us
Food should not kill, but in the last three weeks alone, the food allergy community has grappled with three food-induced anaphylaxis deaths. All were young adults in the prime of their lives; one in middle school, another going to a school dance, and one just engaged to the love of her life.
We Don't Have 27 Hours In A Day, Physicians Remind Guideline-Makers
It may not come as a surprise that in today's healthcare landscape, there's simply not enough time in the day for physicians to provide guideline-recommended care. As a result, many physicians want time and usefulness to be considered in the creation of guidelines.
The Tragic Case Of The Anguished Physician
In his “Nicomachean Ethics,” the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle points out that anger is not always a moral failure. To be sure, it is usually wrong to give in to it, but situations can arise when a good person naturally experiences a sense of moral indignation.
Faking Your Way Through Medical School
Paul Simon, one of the most successful singer-songwriters in the world, feels insecure. In "Fakin' It," which appears on the fourth Simon & Garfunkel album Bookends, he sings: "I know I'm fakin' it. I'm not really makin' it...This feeling of fakin' it, I still haven't shaken it."
The Cost Of Overpreparing: My Experience With The USMLE And What I Learned
“It’s all in your head.” When my friends, family, and mentors said these five words to me in the days leading up to the pre-pass/fail USMLE Step 1 exam, they meant it literally: everything you need to know to succeed is already in your head.
Want To Lower Physician Burnout By 26%? Hire A Scribe, Study Says
Hiring a remote scribe could soothe burnout rates among physicians by 26.8 percent, according to a study. Among the primary care physicians who were part of the study, 37 worked with a remote scribe and 68 did not.
The Wild West of Non-Operating Room Anesthesia
In the past decade, the need for anesthesia services outside of the operating room (OR) has increased dramatically. While this can be partially attributed to the expansion of gastrointestinal endoscopy services due to lowering of the recommended age for colonoscopy screening...
Another Person Cured Of HIV After Stem Cell Transplant
The Düsseldorf patient is the fifth suspected HIV cure, following a stem cell transplant from a donor genetically resistant to the virus.